Payment Policy
For the smooth processing of your order, please adhere to our payment guidelines:
Online Orders: All online orders must be paid for before they can be dispatched to your location. Kindly consider the necessary processing time when opting for bank deposit as your payment method.
Pick-Up Orders: Payment for pick-up orders is required before collection. You have several options for payment, including online secure card payment, bank deposit, Eftpos upon pick-up, and cash.
Payment Options
1. Bank Deposit:
- We highly recommend this payment method due to its speed, minimal processing costs, and secure transaction processing through your bank's systems to provide you peace of mind.
- To complete your payment via bank deposit, please transfer the funds to the following account:
- Account Name: NZ Pump & Water Filters LTD
- Bank: ASB Bank
- Account Number: 12-3146-0106792-00
- Reference: Include the order number generated from our website.
- Note that if you are making an internet payment from a bank other than ASB, please allow for an overnight clearance period.
We appreciate your cooperation in following these payment procedures to ensure a smooth and efficient order processing experience. If you have any payment-related questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us via email or by calling 0800 040 617.
2. Cash on pickup
You can pay by cash in person if you are picking the goods up.
3. EFTPOS, Credit Card, Debit Card
We have an EFTPOS machine available at our premise to process payments if you have chosen the option to pick-up
No payment option is available over the phone.
Our website allows you to process online credit card transactions. After selecting to pay by Credit Card you will be directed to the secure site to complete the payment transaction online.
We will be advised once you have made the online payment. Your credit card details will not be kept.
We accept Visa & Mastercard.
For any questions around payment please email or Phone 0800 040 617